Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Will miss you Lalpari

1st April 2013, you came into our lives. I kept saying I had made a fool out of myself falling for you; but I was wrong. Yesterday after almost a year and half, when you left us I am again saying to myself that I have made fool out of me again by letting you go.

For the last whole one year and more you stuck with me through sun-shines, rains and storms; amidst all the ups and downs; you stuck with me no matter what road I was trudging, hills, plains, villages, beaches what not; you were always there like a best buddy.  

Life had become so much easy with you around, never had to think twice before doing anything; whether it was just a boys night out or hanging out with the loved ones you just made everything special.

I remember how on our first day she christened you "Lalpari"  and you were so much happy about it that I could see the glitter in your eyes. You know what was the best part of our relation, you never complained about anything, not when I farted right next to you :D or burped after eating all those "punugulus"; you didn't complain even when my "gf" complained about my tummy everyday; you just listened and smiled. 

I learnt from you; how to be patient, how to keep moving forward and take a step back when there are obstacles in your way and then again start moving ahead. I understood its not the speed or power that would take you the distance, its the consistency and the attitude to meet the challenges with a smile that keeps you ahead.

Couple of lines from one of my favourite poets Basheer Badr which suits our situation

ये कसक दिल की दिल में चुभी रह गयी 
ज़िन्दगी में तुम्हारी कमी रह गयी 
एक मैं एक तुम एक दिवार थी 
ज़िन्दगी आधी आधी बँटी रह गयी 
मैंने रोका नहीं वो चला भी गया 
बेबसी दूर तक देखती रह गयी  

There are so many moments that if I started penning down each of them here I would keep on writing forever about you and our adventures together. Instead of going into all the minute details I would say I had fun with you and I loved your company.

Life moves on; so we will. Now that its time to part our ways all I would say is "dasvidaniya"; but I will always treasure the moments that you bestowed upon us.
Stay safe.

                                                                    Me and My Lalpari