Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Will miss you Lalpari

1st April 2013, you came into our lives. I kept saying I had made a fool out of myself falling for you; but I was wrong. Yesterday after almost a year and half, when you left us I am again saying to myself that I have made fool out of me again by letting you go.

For the last whole one year and more you stuck with me through sun-shines, rains and storms; amidst all the ups and downs; you stuck with me no matter what road I was trudging, hills, plains, villages, beaches what not; you were always there like a best buddy.  

Life had become so much easy with you around, never had to think twice before doing anything; whether it was just a boys night out or hanging out with the loved ones you just made everything special.

I remember how on our first day she christened you "Lalpari"  and you were so much happy about it that I could see the glitter in your eyes. You know what was the best part of our relation, you never complained about anything, not when I farted right next to you :D or burped after eating all those "punugulus"; you didn't complain even when my "gf" complained about my tummy everyday; you just listened and smiled. 

I learnt from you; how to be patient, how to keep moving forward and take a step back when there are obstacles in your way and then again start moving ahead. I understood its not the speed or power that would take you the distance, its the consistency and the attitude to meet the challenges with a smile that keeps you ahead.

Couple of lines from one of my favourite poets Basheer Badr which suits our situation

ये कसक दिल की दिल में चुभी रह गयी 
ज़िन्दगी में तुम्हारी कमी रह गयी 
एक मैं एक तुम एक दिवार थी 
ज़िन्दगी आधी आधी बँटी रह गयी 
मैंने रोका नहीं वो चला भी गया 
बेबसी दूर तक देखती रह गयी  

There are so many moments that if I started penning down each of them here I would keep on writing forever about you and our adventures together. Instead of going into all the minute details I would say I had fun with you and I loved your company.

Life moves on; so we will. Now that its time to part our ways all I would say is "dasvidaniya"; but I will always treasure the moments that you bestowed upon us.
Stay safe.

                                                                    Me and My Lalpari

Sunday, August 10, 2014

47kms, 3.5 hrs and over Thousand calories

Ah! quite a catchy title I came up with, but honestly that’s how it has been. One of the two good things that happened to me due to moving my base to Pune is cycling. The other thing I would leave unmentioned due to third party involvement.

So, first question that must be coming to you is what made me take up cycling? Well, like many other things that have happened to me, here as well the answer is same, “Abhishek Upadhyay”.  Most people reading my blog must be knowing this celebrity and will agree that this person dramatically influences your thinking ability and can sometimes make you do things that you would not do or at-least you  would not like to do. For ex: On a weekend you would like to sleep, but this guy would wake you up and take you on an unplanned trek and you will not have a chance to refuse.

When I moved to Pune I was told, cycling keeps you fit and will help you lose your paunch. And within a month I got my bicycle – a Fantom MTB 6000 with 21 speed gears and disc brakes…Oooo la la!! Who bought it for me? Yes, correct “Abhishek” is the right answer again. And since then I am cycling to my office.  Nothing has happened to my paunch as such, but I have saved a lot over petrol :D.

I was at Abhishek’s place for the weekend and it was decided that we would go for a cycle ride in the morning. I said fine, thinking it would be just regular round and we will be back even before we sweat as the weather was really nice and cool.

So, Saturday morning we started, the pro cyclist and the newbie. Abhishek, bought a lot of cycling gear from his recent trip to Bangalore. Once he was suited up, I was feeling like an idiot wearing shorts, collared t-shirt and sandals. Now I am thinking he wanted to test all the gear he bought and that’s why we went on this ride.  Well anyways we started off and like a good host he asked me, off-road or city ride. Unaware what was coming, I opted for off-road thinking we would go to some nearby location and come back.  So, off-road it was.

Starting at 9:30 am from The Parkland, I began following the pro cyclist. We came to Pune-Mumbai Highway and turned towards the Balewaadi stadium. We took a by-lane and started our off-road trail entering into Mahalunge Village. The roads were broken, muddy and covered with overflowing water due to the heavy rains that continued over last week, but more than that the village was full of greenery and it was really soothing (who knew what was coming up, well Abhishek knew). I was enjoying the scenic beauty cycling slowly as Abhishek was showing all the stuff around. From a distance he showed the IT park at Hinjewaadi and as we moved further we saw the beauty of nature was at its best. Hill ranges laden with greenery and white clouds covering the top of the hills, it was like we were in some hill station.

Moving further we took a turn towards Nande village and we had already done eleven kilometers. We followed the Mula river for about two-three kilometers and were pondering that about two weeks ago there wasn’t any water and now the river was flowing with full force. Though the water was still muddy but it was a view. I was missing my camera, but had to keep up with the pro so just kept pushing forward.

In a few kilometers we crossed two more villages Mulkhed and Ghotawade. Somewhere in Ghotawade we took a left turn towards Mulshi. As Abhishek was guiding I didn’t pay much heed to what road we were taking. He had already done it twice. Here was slight up-hill patch and I being the newbie fell back. But I kept pushing and once we were again on a normal track I caught up with the pro, my bro Abhishek. Then this guy did what even the enemies don’t do. He told, the patch that we just climbed up was not even the trailer of what lies ahead, and he told me with bright, smiling face. It was the “WTF” moment, but being the good friend I am, I said OK, buddy no problem.

And then came the dreaded moment, the uphill climb somewhere near Pirangut. I tried, tried my best but I had to get off my bicycle and walk the next three and half kms with cycle in my hand. Abhishek, trudging slowly already reached the top of the hill and since wasn’t able to find me behind him, came all the way down to keep me company. Now that’s what a friend does, isn’t it?

Well, the reward was coming down the hill, not a single pedal and we were cruising at a speed 50kms/hr.  In no time we crossed Chandni chowk and reached Bavdhan. We halted for a coffee break and had already done 33 kilometers. After a sumptuous breakfast and coffee, we started our trail again. Now the ride was much easier, mostly down the hill.

In another hour, we were home, full of sweat, dirt and a feeling of achievement.  The milometer showed that we did 47.5 kms in about three and half hours which according to Abhishek wasn’t bad. He said, hopefully in the second round we could improve it, as then I would probably not get down my bike as I would be aware of the uphill climb (huh, I am not going to his place for another month, leave alone the second round).

All that said, will have to admit, that it was a good experience. Enjoyed it  (in parts).

Looking forward to more.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 28th 2014

Mango man diaries, ah it's been long that I had penned down anything. Well, may be life wasn't that happening or may be I was waiting for this change to come my way.

Yes, a change has arrived though not anything which was unexpected. The writing was quite clear and the walls were painted in bold and italics that the time has come to make the move. However, I didn't imagine the change will actually alter the path of my life in such a way.

Two weeks ago I said "Adios" to Hyderabad -
the city of nawabs, the city of charminar, the city of biryaani, the city that gave new wings to my dreams, the city that gave me the ability to realize my existing dreams, the city that gave me friends, the city that gave me 'life'. A city rich of experiences which one cannot have anywhere else in this world.

Today, I am here saying "Aloha" to a city which I hope will provide me some great experiences as well. Welcome to Pune, the city of peshwas, the city of saras bagh, the city of Dagdu sheth Ganapati, the city of Osho, the city which was once an epitome of marathi culuture.

And the journey begins ;)

9 pm and my work day is just starting but honestly I don't have anything to do. This is my first day(or better first night) at my new office.

10 pm waiting for my US counterpart.  I am supposed to work along with my onsite counterpart for couple of days to better understand the project I would be working upon. Seriously, staying up late in the night how am I going to understand anything.

10:30 pm my new email address created. Gosh!! one more identity on the web.

12 am mid of the night and mid of my work day. I am feeling sleepy.

1 am man!! I am already feeling sleepy and you want me to go over all that documentation. Let me go :(

2 am finally had a worthwhile discussion. Hahaha, that's what everyone here is assuming. I am fast asleep.

2:30 am Ok, I know what I am doing. I am dozing off. Even though every now and then I am replying you guys and I am also asking you questions that doesn't mean that I am awake at this hour of night. Believe me.
Let's have some watermelon.

3 am When will it be 4? How many more minutes before it will be 4 am, 60 more. Arrrgh. Ok 55 mins now, now just 45 minutes to 4 am, 30 minutes yayayay, 10 minutes start packing up.

4 am oh shit, its another hour to go.........no I am not playing this game anymore. I want to go :( :(

4:30 am. Say goodbye to onsite team. Talk to you guys tomorrow.

5 am Left for the day. How ironic for the first time in 8 years of my career I was actually leaving for the day.

Hope Pune brings in some better experiences than this ;)