Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Atheist and Atheism - my take

Well, hello, the most talked thing these days is Atheism or Atheists. My facebook page is often flooded by some post by an Atheist followed by long chain of comments of the believers and non-believers. All trying to prove something to each other. 

If you ask me what is Atheism or who is an Atheist, I would say Atheism is the core concept for an ape's transformation into today's homo-sapiens. The concept of not trusting anything without proofs, the inquisitiveness, the concept of thinking, all this put together makes Atheism and a person who thinks (rationally) to me is an Atheist.

There is a common belief that an Atheist is a non-believer, some anti-god particle whose sole purpose is to prove there is no such thing as GOD. But honestly to me an Atheist is a purist and is the only believer you can ever find in the entire universe, because he believes everything he can see, touch, smell and hear. Atheist is a believer and believes that whatever he can sense with his organs exists and anything beyond that does not exist or is just an imagination of some wandering mind. Rest assured, if some one can give a proof of what they believe in a manner an Atheist can see, smell, hear and touch he would be the most devout follower.

Does this post seems biased? Could be, after-all I too am an Atheist.

Honestly, for first 27 years of my life I had been a believer, believer in destiny, believer of something called GOD and many other such things but then suddenly one day I came across a sect of people who changed my thought process, helped me understand the universe, its gimmicks, the process of evolution, the theory of natural selection and above all they taught me to question everything but not a single person of them asked me to stop believing what I had been believing my entire life. 

I still visit temples, I still pray everyday but not because I believe in GOD but because I was raised that way and after doing all that I never forget to ask WHY?, WHEN?, HOW? WHAT? and this gives me feeling of satisfaction.

Have any questions/comments post it and I will get back to you ASAP. 

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