Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A day without you

Over the last few months it had become a routine to pick you up and drop you back home. Rather, I would say it had become a habit to start my day with your charming face and end it the same way. 

After so many days, driving all alone to office today seemed like ages. No one to chat with, no one giving me directions as what to do, which way to take. No one to share a cup of tea. No one to change the songs on player. I was so lonely. When you were with me, the 45 minutes drive to your office and back never felt so long. Today, it was just 15 minutes and I kept thinking to myself when is this going to end. You know, in the evening while returning I took the longer route home, the one which we usually take. Thought, I could get a feel of you. Thought, I could smell you in the evening breeze but no, it didn't help. I was still alone. It was just first day, yet I felt so lost, so deprived.

Now you may ask, what if we cannot meet but we can talk over phone, get each others updates, isn't that enough? No, it's not enough for me. For me, I need to feel your presence with all the senses that god has given me because you are a blessing of that almighty bestowed upon me. And when I see you, hear you, smell you, touch you I feel being unified with GOD itself.
I know, slowly over a period of time this will become my routine. I would learn to drive without you giving me directions, but today was the first day without you and let me tell you honestly it was painful.

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