Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Your's forever......

All beautiful stories come to an end, so did ours and not all stories have a "happy ending" so don't worry.......if it has not ended the way we wanted it to. Read somewhere every end is a new beginning.

Our story, wasn't it a fairy tale in itself. None of us expected that our paths will cross each other in a way they did. At-least I never imagined, what happened would ever happen.One fine evening you simply gushed into my life like a gentle breeze and took me by surprise. I still remember the evening vividly as if it all happened yesterday. It was a rock concert and you were dressed just right. We were introduced by a common friend, I looked at you and thought "ummm.....nice", but next moment another thought came up "hold it boy, don't be too fast, have patience" and I just kept quiet. You might be thinking that I am grumpy or a bore but that's how I am. I don't open up too quickly with strangers and that night you were a stranger. After the concert we went our ways and I never thought of seeing you again.

But you don't know what games fate can play. And as if, it was our destiny that our paths crossed again. This time I decided I should not be a spoil sport and should approach you. You were generous enough to respond kindly. And that's how our fairy tale started. I remember when I purchased my new bike I asked you out for dinner and dropped you back home, that was the first chapter and after that there was no looking back for me. That night the way you enjoyed your food, the music in the restro, your sweet smile, your innocence all was hitting the right chords in me. I was head over heels in love with you.

Days passed by and the closeness increased, just like you say a bond developed. We started spending time together. The long-drives, the gossips over a cup of coffee, our lunches and dinners. Between all these good times we had our share of lows as well. The moments when I hurt you, when I made you cry. I know those moments have left a permanent scar on your memories and I am sorry for that but what has happened cannot be changed. I remember all of that and I know you are generous enough that some day you might even forgive me.

Suddenly today you walk out of my life and there is nothing I can do about it. It is nothing that I was unaware about or something I was not expecting but I am going to miss all the beautiful moments I spent with you, the drives, the gossip sessions, our little fights, your beautiful smiles, curls of your hair, the way you taught me English, each and everything that is related to you. And more than anything else I will MISS YOU.

I don't know whether you will ever be mine or not, but I will be yours forever.

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