Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why girls can't reason(listen)?

Ok, the question might sound as MCP's remark but it is quite obvious. Many ladies reading this post might not like it but most guys would second my opinion. As I said just now, it is purely my personal opinion. Any resemblance with any person living or dead is either a coincident or has been made deliberately :). No one else, especially the male community should not be held responsible for my views.

Have you ever tried to reason with any lady/girl? Not necessarily your girlfriend(no amount of reasoning can satisfy her) she can be anyone, your mother, sister, friend, wife, daughter, niece, cousin or even someone crossing the road you bumped into unknowingly. What was the outcome? I think I know. You must have had the feeling to runaway to some distant island and decided to never come back. You must be startled, your hair all starightned as the cartoon characters when they are in a shock, isn't it. Yes, I know, I have been through all those things a number of times.

Well, ladies please don't be offended. Let me elaborate with a couple of examples. Now there is my sweet lil sister who wanted to buy a laptop. She calls me up 10 times a day to confirm on which laptop to buy, what should be its configuration and other stuff. After I am done with my bit of research I suggest her X and ask her to go and buy that laptop. She went to the showroom, saw Y and bought it. I ask why and she tells me the looks of Y are beautiful than X and I am like awwwwwwwwww so cute. WTH? you are buying a laptop for it's performance or looks.

Another example, I have this beautiful friend who was looking out for a job. Same thing she was in X industry, was trying to get in Y industry, puts in lots of effort to learn the knowhow of Y and then suddenly one day I come to know that she is negotiating with some company in Z industry and tells me that she always wanted to do that stuff. I am like, Oh Really? then why put so much of effort in learning the tricks of Y, why not directly go for Z? When I tell her that 'you are not clear with what you want' and try to reason with her, the response I get is "you are not happy for me, you don't encourage me, support me, you are so negative" and many more such things. What did I do now, nothing I kept silent and wished her luck cause any more words of wisdom from me would have invited a hell in my life :D.

One more superb example, I know this lady who is our neighbour in my hometown. She has three son's. The younger two are twins.  The elder son is 30 (married) and the younger one's are 26. One day when I was in my hometown all the three came to me with a strange request. They wanted me and my mom to talk to their mother about one of the twin's marriage. They told me that their mother is releuctant about his marriage. She was reasoning that since the twins were born together they should get married together. The other one of twin's is still setting up his business and is not sure how long it may take to get established and have a sound source of income. It can be a year, or two or even five and till that time the other one had to wait. When I heard the story I was just shocked, what kind of reasoning is that? My mom and I went to talk to that lady but all in vain she was simply adamant and was not ready to listen to us. So we had to return without any success. 

And just to quote I remembered a line from the movie "Pyar ka punchnaama" where the hero points out that you can never argue with girl, because for men to argue the basic need is there should be some sense/logic in the argument but for girls sense/logic is something that they care a damn about.

From the above three instances and some other observations, I have drawn few inferences, correct me or add if you have something more to say:
1. Speak only if you know that your words are going to make them feel happy, doesn't matter even if you have tell something "wrong" is "right".
2. If you are asked a suggestion, try to find what they want to hear from you.
3. Never tell them that they are wrong and I said NEVER.
4. Accept that you are wrong even-though if you are not (this increases your life expectancy)
5. And last but not least Reasoning and Logic should not be expected during any arguments.

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